pamelajayne (PamelaJayne Smith)

My name is Pam and I have been taking photos for some years but in the last 5 years have taken photography more seriously - I am self-taught and enthusiastic about capturing nature, France and anything that speaks a few words to me and hopefully others!

I am happy to offer my images according to RGBs terms of use.

If you want to credit me, you can find my name and website in my profile, thank you for looking

Nachname: PamelaJayne Smith
Geschlecht: weiblich
Stadt: Poitou Charente
Land: France
Kamera: canon eos 400d and C
RGBstock seit: January 2010
Galerie zur Gallerierss feed
Fotos online: 26
Downloads: 846
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pamelajayne's beliebteste Fotos | Galerie zeigen | Zeige die Fotos mit den meisten Likes

Fields of Gold

Fields of Gold

2496px * 1664px


Piccolo Flöte

Piccolo Flöte

3888px * 2592px


Daisy Daisy Selektive Farb

Daisy Daisy Selektive Farb

2496px * 1664px


Blau Anenome

Blau Anenome

4416px * 3312px


Island Bridge

Island Bridge

4416px * 3312px




3888px * 2592px


Schmetterling in Ruhe

Schmetterling in Ruhe

2496px * 1664px



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