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so many new users

1. lusi2 April 2011, 14:15 GMT +02:00

today seems to be an especially busy day on RGB ... already more than 100 new users... and it is Saturday, usually not the most "active" day of the week.

2. crisderaud2 April 2011, 15:16 GMT +02:00

We have had nearly 500 new members this week. That's a lot. People must like us.

You can help spread the cheer by going to the Google Lab center and join the +1 Button program where you can "like" our site in the search results.


3. Zela2 April 2011, 16:42 GMT +02:00

We are a rising star ;-)

4. jazza2 April 2011, 22:44 GMT +02:00

A lot of the new users seems to come from this page:

5. Dogyeller3 April 2011, 3:27 GMT +02:00

Yes, thundercloud (CloudEight) posted a blurb about this site and I do appreciate it. I have been searching for some new photos to make digital jigsaws out of, and I found a few unique ones here today. Thanks!

6. xymonau3 April 2011, 4:49 GMT +02:00

228 new members on one day - that sets a record for us right now. I'm glad you found some new images, Dogyeller. Spread the word! :)

7. Zela3 April 2011, 18:03 GMT +02:00

There must be some photographers amongst them.......If you have some files to share for free don't hesitate to upload them.

8. xymonau5 April 2011, 10:27 GMT +02:00

Wow! The number joining has skyrocketed. It's fabulous to have so many new users at once!

9. Groningen5 April 2011, 20:50 GMT +02:00

Wonderful to read the posts of photographers coming here in search of quality images

10. micromoth15 April 2011, 23:52 GMT +02:00

Someone this evening has been going through my gallery, downloading picture after picture - about 150 and still counting by the time I came to go to bed. Has RGB had some major new publicity? To receive all this attention is great in one way, but I hope this isn't a rip-off merchant!

11. Zela17 April 2011, 17:06 GMT +02:00

http://vierdrie.nl/blog/index.php A new link from Vierdrie to our site.
I'm so happy we could welcome another great photographer!!!!

Welcome Jean

12. lusi17 April 2011, 19:51 GMT +02:00

Clix and vierdrie on rgbstock! That's wonderful news! We'll be unbeatable :)

13. crisderaud18 April 2011, 16:18 GMT +02:00

This new article on us posted yesterday http://www.stockphotosecrets.com/interviews/interview-with-the-free-stock-photo-database-rgbstock.html

We are expected another wave of new members from this article.

Many new members are still arriving from ThunderCloud.com too.

14. micromoth19 April 2011, 9:59 GMT +02:00

@13 What a great article! I'm sure there will be many more folk coming to RGB Stock as a result.
And now I also know what Jay looks like too. ;-)

15. Groningen20 April 2011, 21:23 GMT +02:00

great article thanks for the link

16. gesinek21 April 2011, 11:22 GMT +02:00

Great interview, Jay, congratulations!

17. Zela21 April 2011, 19:31 GMT +02:00

Welcome dotlizard. Great to see your uploads here. Have fun.

18. micromoth27 April 2011, 6:27 GMT +02:00

Yay! I see we're up to more than 15,000 users now.

19. jazza18 May 2011, 13:32 GMT +02:00

We have a great link on www.frankwatching.com that will generate many new visitors. Welcome everybody!

20. GerbenVanErkelens18 May 2011, 15:02 GMT +02:00

I saw the article on Frankwatching...that's going to give some dutch traffic :D

21. lusi18 May 2011, 15:25 GMT +02:00

Already almost 200 new users today!!! Can we expect a record?

22. decar6618 May 2011, 16:50 GMT +02:00

Hey Jay, can you see if there are new users coming from Soundcloud? I am rgbstock.com evangelist in the Soundcloud community.

23. jazza18 May 2011, 17:08 GMT +02:00

I am afraid we have not much traffic from southcloud.com. I cant see any, sorry

24. Groningen18 May 2011, 18:27 GMT +02:00

@ 19+20+21: good news :D

@ 22+23: too bad ;-)

25. micromoth19 May 2011, 14:19 GMT +02:00

@22 and @23 Soundcloud or Southcloud? Maybe that's the problem!

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