You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:
My dictionary tells me that it is a
single pole single-throw switch [abbr.: SPST switch]
and I must admit I never heard about it before (maybe I use it every day without knowing it)
was it a typo, Michael, or did you mean to write it?
I did mean to write it. I found it in my dictionary in the list of similar words and thought, hey, that one must be new to you... It is so rare that we have 4 letters without a vowel in it. Maybe it was the first time.
Are acronyms no words? Maybe if you use them often enough? I'm not sure about that.
Acronyms are words. Laser and radar are both examples. Abbreviations however are not - probably because they are usually unpronounceable!
Acronyms sometimes become accepted words, but they are often names of things or corporations, etc. I wouldn't regard them as words unless they were used as the normal name of something, like laser. If they happen to spell something, then they become the name, but things like the CIA (formed from the same components as other acronyms) don't catch on as words. Just my thoughts. :o)
I don't think CIA is usually considered an acronym, but an abbreviation. Though Central Intelligence Agency Operations would make an interesring case.
Acronyms are abbreviations - and more often than not, made from the initial letters of a title or description. They are spoken as a word - and some come into common usage and end up officially recognised - but most are not really deemed words. HAARP, anyone? Pronounceable, word-like, acronym, but not really a word. Whereas laser has become the name of the object.
I'd also think that when everybody begins to forget that something which is used so commonly is originally an abbreviation of something than it would be okay to count it as a word. I would agree, though, that these spst thingys are not what we commonly talk about in daily life, so it was a
LOL When I asked you, I just thought you had hit the wrong key and it was a typo! LOL - I didn't mean to make a big deal out of it, but I thought you might like to fix it. Ah, well, there you go. Not a fail. An improvisation.