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4 Letter Words

1. krayker16 July 2010, 13:45 GMT +02:00

You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:


12170. Ayla8722 September 2016, 8:42 GMT +02:00

Yes, excercise is good. But I also find it hard to get the proper motivation do do more.

I have to look for


to improve that.

12171. xymonau24 October 2016, 10:50 GMT +02:00

I'm so slack. Too many things get my attention. I hope you are doing fine health-wise, Michael. :o)


12172. Ayla8725 October 2016, 6:11 GMT +02:00

I'm sorry to hear that all the things you are busy with tear down your energy and don't seem to give back enough so that you can feel happy and content. Maybe you can find a way to set new priorities towards those engagements which are more rewarding? I know this is not easy to do when you have to struggle a lot with everyday life, but i is certainly worth a try.

My migraine is behaving quite well at the moment, the last attack is already a good three weeks ago. I hope the next one is in no hurry to visit me.

Have you begun to fill shopping


with christmas presents? Only 9 weeks left. Christa and I belong to those 15% which already have bought all the gifts for this year. It is amazing what kind of statistics are available. I wonder if it is also recorded how many %%% of the gifts are returned to the stores after xmas?

12173. xymonau25 October 2016, 19:52 GMT +02:00

I don't have many to buy for. Just my son, and I guess his new girlfriend this year. Since I haven't seen my granddaughters for two years, although I send them gifts, I don't know if they are getting them or if they know they are from me. It's heartbreaking. My sisters and I agreed years ago not to exchange gifts. I was just too poor and I wanted to be able to buy my son a gift, but many years I didn't have the money, because I was struggling to give gifts to those who gave me gifts. It was a relief when it all stopped. I'll buy my neighbours something. They keep giving me lovely things like lettuce and shallots (green onions) and fresh eggs from their garden and chickens. They also have a mango tree and they intend to give me mangoes in summer. I can't wait! The wife works in a store, and she will often bring me loaves of bread, too.

I dread it, to be honest. It's very painful to be away from my grandchildren. We have never been too fussed about the day since my son grew up. He often spent the day elsewhere, or we would both be invited somewhere. When he was little and my parents were alive, I always did Christmas. I'd cook, and sometimes have the meal at their place or bring them to mine. We'd decorate and have a tree. Sadly, those days are gone now. But it's okay. I'm glad other people have a good time and I'm grateful for everything I have.

My sister always has her gifts done early in the year, too. And she gets cards sent out early.

Glad you have been well. I hope it lasts. Oddly enough, I had the flashing lights in my eyes again today. I haven't had that for months. It's very disconcerting, but only lasts about 20 mins to half an hour, thankfully. I have to make a change from these blood pressure pills - a second change - as these are also causing me terrible pain and bad side-effects. I need something, but I don't think I can find anything that agrees with me. I need to cut out salt and get back on a no oil plant based diet again. Most days I eat no meat, but I need more variety.


12174. Ayla8726 October 2016, 7:28 GMT +02:00

We are lucky that we don't have many to buy for, too. Christa and I have long agreed not to exchange gifts. Christas brother sends a parcel with gifts every year, so we return that favour. He likes many of the organic delicacies which we like, too, e.g. chili mustard, so it is easy to find something for him every year. It is harder to find a little gift for my mother because she already possesses everything which might be helpful and I hate to make useless gifts with things which are only catching dust.

You are lucky that you have so caring neighbours who even share their


with you. For us our unfriendly neighbours here (at least most of them) are one reason why we won't live at this place for too long. We already spend time when I have days off to inspect another region in the north of Berlin. Near the border of Berlin, surrounded by forest and farmland and nice grazing land with happy horses on it. That is where I shot the last 20 of our photos. The drive by bus and city railways to the place where I work will be about three or four times as long then (a good hour in each direction) so we are not too much in a hurry to move and wait for the perfect appartment for us which lures us to move.

It is sad that you don't get any opportunity to see your grandchildren anymore. But I think when they grow up and get more self-reliant they will try to contact you.

Sometimes I have the impression that when you think about migraine this might help to trigger a new attack. This may well be the case with your auras, too. It is generally best to live as healthy as possible but still to refrain from thinking about illness matters all the time. They are no good subject to raise our mood and they should not get too dominant in everyday life.

Luckily the internet is full of recipes, so I hope you find more inspirations how to vary the things you can cook. As you have warmer winters than we have - are most veges available at any season in your region? Over here nearly nothing grows during cold and frosty winter months, so the seasonal availability of veges varies a lot over the year here.

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