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Search function

1. mzacha21 January 2010, 18:28 GMT +01:00

I see two disadvantages of the search function implemented on this site:

1. The search engine cannot find two or more words object unless the proper keyword was added. When I type "red car", it searches for the objects that have a keyword "red car", but does not find the ones that have f.e. "auto,red,big,car" in the keywords...

2. When I search for "ray" (like a sunray), it shows me a woman who pRAY. That is not the same...

2. crisderaud21 January 2010, 18:54 GMT +01:00

Hi Michal,

the search function didn't turn out they way they wanted it and they know it has problems.

It is going to be fixed as soon as they can get it done. I know for a fact they are aware of the problem.

I am happy to see you here.

3. mzacha21 January 2010, 18:59 GMT +01:00

Thanks for the answer. And I am happy to be here and see all of you!

4. crisderaud26 January 2010, 3:40 GMT +01:00

Hi Michal,

Give the search another try. Lennie made great gains on getting it to work..

5. mzacha26 January 2010, 8:57 GMT +01:00

I think it is better, not sure why, but still after typing CAR i receive HAIRCARE image. :-).

6. crisderaud26 January 2010, 13:26 GMT +01:00

The word CAR is in HairCARe is the reason. When you look at the keywords of all the images that are not autos, you will see CAR somewhere inside one of the keywords.

I discovered that yesterday and it has already been reported.

Longer words like TOMATO brings us lots of nice shots of pictures with tomatoes in them including your shot of the perfect tomato.

7. xymonau28 January 2010, 2:32 GMT +01:00

Type the word, "cat" into the search bar and see what happens. Nothing even vaguely relatedm even by parts of words. Something wrong there! :)

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