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YouTube Funnies

1. weirdvis27 January 2010, 9:04 GMT +01:00


290. xymonau24 December 2012, 15:22 GMT +01:00

LOL! That's why I haven't found any presents this year!

291. lennie28 February 2013, 15:55 GMT +01:00

The new iPhone has a larger screen:


292. xymonau3 March 2013, 6:28 GMT +01:00

I want one with a little mesh head on the top. For swatting flies.

293. xymonau25 March 2013, 0:51 GMT +01:00

I am in love. Guys, if you want to get the girls, just don your - er - well, you'll see - and get in the groooove!


And of course, there is also this:


294. mzacha11 April 2013, 9:12 GMT +02:00

And what about that?

295. xymonau16 April 2013, 12:17 GMT +02:00

This reminded me of my son as a teenager. Parts made me laugh.

296. xymonau21 April 2013, 14:21 GMT +02:00

This made me laugh. The dubbing was very well timed.


297. xymonau24 May 2013, 13:04 GMT +02:00

I love Ze Frank's humour. Here is one of his YouTubes about hedgehogs:


And the tarsier:


298. crisderaud15 August 2013, 2:23 GMT +02:00

The Nothing Box

Everyone knows that men and women’s brains are wired differently but The Nothing Box is perhaps the best explanation of the difference that I’ve heard. This funny look at relationships is from marriage expert Mark Gungor and is a short cut from his DVD Tale of Two Brains. I always open my Nothing Box during Football season or when watching a movie. If you’re a woman and want more insight into men be sure to watch Mark explain Men and Testosterone.


299. xymonau25 August 2013, 9:16 GMT +02:00


300. xymonau28 October 2013, 9:15 GMT +01:00

The great escape. This is why I prefer cats. (not Youtube)


301. xymonau1 February 2014, 12:57 GMT +01:00

A little girl's prank call.


302. weirdvis16 August 2017, 10:04 GMT +02:00

Amazing dancing. Perfect music track.


303. xymonau16 August 2017, 20:11 GMT +02:00

It really is! I have no idea how they can move around so rapidly but their body stays in the one place. Incredible.

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