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Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins

1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.

1034. xymonau11 July 2010, 22:06 GMT +02:00

There you go again! Peerin' in my winders!

1035. crisderaud11 July 2010, 23:27 GMT +02:00

Can't we all just be friends and let me win??

1036. dragonariaes12 July 2010, 5:28 GMT +02:00

I'll think about it, probably not, but I'll still think about it to be nice. : )

1037. dragonariaes12 July 2010, 5:31 GMT +02:00

hmm. Last time I was here, I think we were around #820 ish a ma gig.... Can't remember. Brains getting fuzzy with too much work lately. : )

1038. krayker12 July 2010, 7:56 GMT +02:00

I like this guy's attitude, VERY foolish, but brave. he took on the world to win the cup alone ;)
(wtf was he thinking, pulling off the world's greatest heist on foot ?)

@1034 "Peerin' in my winders!"
'peer' pressure ? :P
(I can see the pointy stick hurled in this direction, I'm off to take cover)

anyways, I seize the initiative for now...

1039. xymonau12 July 2010, 12:55 GMT +02:00

Ha! That's the spirit! He would be a contender here if I wasn't so good. And you get your grubby hands off the initiative, please. I just polished that.

Dragonlady! Great to see you. Are you rich yet? I hope so. I need a loan.

1040. micromoth12 July 2010, 13:15 GMT +02:00

@1034 I'm intrigued by these winders - what are you winding?
@1035 No, but we can still be friends.
@1038 You give me back my initiative, hear?

1041. crisderaud13 July 2010, 0:50 GMT +02:00

She is winding long tales about winning this thing.

A person looking through winders is called a clearvoyant.

We all share a common goal, but winning this thing isn't it. It can't be shared so I suggest you select me to hold onto the initiative for safe keeping.

1042. xymonau13 July 2010, 11:46 GMT +02:00

I have a name for you, Cris. Wanna know what you're called? Annoying!

I will smack the next hand that grabs the initiative. Teeth, too, if you try to save your hands. By gum, I'm scary!

I'll wind you, in a minute, macromouth! That's "i" as in "tin".

1043. micromoth13 July 2010, 11:51 GMT +02:00

[While Dez isn't looking, winds in initiative using fishing hook and line on long pole, for safety reasons] :-)

1044. xymonau13 July 2010, 15:17 GMT +02:00

While macromouth isn't looking, carefully removes initiative, slipping hook through Cris's goal (far too common for me - I prefer exclusive). Sits back, with a packet of chips and a can of soft drink to watch the floor show.

1045. micromoth13 July 2010, 21:37 GMT +02:00

Slipped the initiative back, straight between the chips and the soft drink. Just goes to show the dangers of junk food! :)

1046. xymonau14 July 2010, 0:08 GMT +02:00

What he didn't know is, because the initiative is my baby, as soon as it saw me, it said, "Mama!" and hid in my pocket. What he slipped back was my recipe for disaster. Bon apetit!

1047. crisderaud14 July 2010, 0:41 GMT +02:00

All of you guys are slipping while my cleats hold firm with the initiative tucked safely under by arm like a rugby ball.

1048. micromoth14 July 2010, 9:24 GMT +02:00

To a response like that I can only reply that I'll raise you one ace on a treble word score by castling on the queen side with hearts as trumps - and the initiative is mine!

1049. xymonau14 July 2010, 10:22 GMT +02:00

Hmm. So the home for the confused has had another security breach. This time it let TWO of you out!

1050. crisderaud14 July 2010, 15:35 GMT +02:00

Well, I'll not quibble over analogies but I will assure you that the initiative is safe and happy with me at home.

1051. micromoth14 July 2010, 16:30 GMT +02:00

Not so - the initiative has just gone on vacation! With me.

1052. xymonau14 July 2010, 22:43 GMT +02:00

Then what is this in my pocket, calling me "Mama"?

1053. micromoth14 July 2010, 23:27 GMT +02:00

I dread to think! :-)

1054. crisderaud15 July 2010, 3:46 GMT +02:00

It's a Tickle Me Elmo :)

1055. micromoth15 July 2010, 6:14 GMT +02:00

Tickle Me Elmo? That's terrible! According to Wikipedia, a clerk at a Wal-Mart store in Canada was among those injured by "Elmo-mania". During a Midnight Madness sale on December 14, 1996, a crowd of 300 stampeded down the aisle after spotting him being handed a box of the toys by another employee. He was pulled under, trampled and the crotch was yanked out of his brand-new jeans. He suffered a pulled hamstring, injuries to his back, jaw and knee, a broken rib and a concussion.
No mention is made of a pointy stick, but I'm still standing well back!

1056. krayker15 July 2010, 7:46 GMT +02:00

what about the soup ? did they find any canned soup ?

on ground zero. woohoo!

1057. micromoth15 July 2010, 9:30 GMT +02:00

A small tin of indeterminate canned soup was also discovered. It was completely unharmed but was rather warm and appeared to be fuming slightly. There appeared to be no timing device attached to it, but the Hazard Containment team decided to encase it in reinforced concrete anyway. I think it has since been buried as a time capsule.

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