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additional moderators

1. TACLUDA28 July 2014, 7:55 GMT +02:00

Fairly and consistently assessing the acceptability of uploaded images can't always be an easy task - and the moderators are commended for their efforts. In January a number of people expressed the need for more upload contributors, and all of us can encourage others to make contributions. More recently coolhewitt, xymonau and Pradeep Kumar anticipated the time for RGB reaching 100,000 images. With such anticipated growth it must surely be wise now to train up several more moderators to assess uploaded images. Having only two moderators could hold back growth and development and even lead to some confusion and uncertainty when both moderators are away - as happened recently when no uploaded images were assessed (accepted or rejected) for almost a whole week. Are there any willing volunteers to join that team?

2. Zela28 July 2014, 11:59 GMT +02:00

Please contact rgbstock staff if you have any problems regarding managing this site.

Thank you.

3. crisderaud28 July 2014, 16:39 GMT +02:00

We have a Facebook page Adrian for discussion of such things as you have presented here. My suggestion is you head on over there and join the group where you will find more participation in the discussion and it's easier to communicate.


4. TACLUDA29 July 2014, 15:04 GMT +02:00

Thanks for your responses Zela & Cris - Sorry but I'm one of the rare few who is NOT on facebook - so I'm out of your loop.

5. coolhewitt2330 July 2014, 5:56 GMT +02:00

RGB might consider getting a 3rd moderator in the future but I don't think the site has enough contributors right now to justify adding one more person. I am the same as TACLUDA. I don't have Facebook because it doesn't really appeal to me.

6. crisderaud3 August 2014, 2:18 GMT +02:00

Newly uploaded photos will be evaluated (approved/rejected) on a continual basis. Waiting time will be reduced to a mere minimum.
This will continue as long as possible seven days a week.

7. ColinBrough5 August 2014, 18:35 GMT +02:00

However many moderators there are, they do a fantastic job - really appreciate the insightful comments on what I could do better/different next time when an image is rejected. Thanks!

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