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Suspicious downloads

1. micromoth23 October 2013, 23:31 GMT +02:00

Not sure what's going on, but I've just watched the indicator of the number of downloads on the "Statistics" page of RGB Stock jump up by 200 downloads at a time repeatedly over a space of a few seconds or so. Is this a fault in recording, or has someone found a way to download excessive numbers? Maybe through some form of bittorrent "multi-user" bluffing?

2. jazza24 October 2013, 12:37 GMT +02:00

Kevin, at first glance I do not see any 'unusual' activity. When did you see this?

3. micromoth24 October 2013, 13:06 GMT +02:00

Jay, I saw this last night, shortly before I posted my message. The downloads counter got as high as about 9,000 downloads at one point and was increasing by about 200 downloads every few seconds. If I clicked elsewhere on the site and then went back to the Stats page again, the counter had reverted to normal levels but then started shooting up again. Very odd! I have a screen capture I can send you if you like - let me know what email address to use.

4. lennie24 October 2013, 13:11 GMT +02:00

Well, that is kind of strange.

We've investigating it.

5. jazza24 October 2013, 13:51 GMT +02:00

We had no unusual amount of downloads; we just checked it in the server logs.
You can send a screen capture to info[@]rgbstock.com (without the brackets), but I can imagine how it looks like. Is this problem still there?

6. lennie24 October 2013, 13:58 GMT +02:00

I think it's just a mistake in how the statistics were displayed.

As a lot of busy sites, we keep a database with the truth, but administrating truth real-time is 'expensive' (makes the site slow) so we also keep some statistics in memory. The memory statistics got mangled a bit. That is what you saw.

Real-time statistics are almost always a bit fake. :-)

7. micromoth24 October 2013, 19:59 GMT +02:00

@4-6 Okay Jay / Lennie, I've sent you an email with a cropped screenshot attached from my home email address. Hope this helps!


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