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7 0 grade account_circle Herbstwald
39 3 grade account_circle Daffodil Holz
22 0 grade account_circle Daffodil Holz
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6 0 grade account_circle Pappel
5 1 grade account_circle Baumfarne
22 1 grade account_circle Baumwurzeln
7 0 grade account_circle Winterbaum
26 1 grade account_circle Mossy woodland
68 3 grade account_circle Mossy woodland
8 0 grade account_circle Mossy woodland
14 2 grade account_circle Foggy Holz 6
56 1 grade account_circle Ein Elefant
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4 1 grade account_circle alten Kastanienbaum
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8 1 grade account_circle Eiche im Frühjahr
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