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My heart and prayers go out to the people of Japan.

1. happyture12 March 2011, 10:15 GMT +01:00

My heart and prayers go out to the people of Japan and pacific basin.

2. xymonau12 March 2011, 11:06 GMT +01:00

I agree. What a tragedy.

But I also feel for the New Zealanders in Christchurch, who are still in a dreadful situation. Earthquakes are happening everywhere these days, with a shocking human toll.

3. gesinek12 March 2011, 11:31 GMT +01:00

Yes, all best wishes to all people who are affected be those catastrophe. We watch television all the time and now the next calamity seems to go on in Fukushima power plant.

4. Groningen12 March 2011, 22:09 GMT +01:00

thank you happyture for starting this topic
I cannot imagine what Japan is going through right now

5. happyture13 March 2011, 2:50 GMT +01:00

You are welcome ,,,it hurts heart to see such destruction, may their gods be with them ..

6. Abyla13 March 2011, 20:00 GMT +01:00

It's very sad to watch TV news about Japan. We are so insignificant when Nature beats us...We can only pray for all those families affected.

7. Groningen13 March 2011, 20:45 GMT +01:00

the destruction is really apocalyptic
at this site you can see images before and after the quake/tsunami http://www.abc.net.au/news/events/japan-quake-2011/beforeafter.htm

there is an estimated death-toll of over 10,000 lives

and still serious problems in three nuclear powerplants

8. sulaco22913 March 2011, 21:05 GMT +01:00

This is so sad... poor people. My prayers go to them. I wish i could do something more to help.

9. crisderaud14 March 2011, 1:19 GMT +01:00

I have been following closely the story in pictures from the areas hardest hit. There are so many people who can't go home and no place else to go. Words can hardly describe the amount of damage Japan incurred. It is very sad and they were so well prepared.

10. Ayla8714 March 2011, 9:10 GMT +01:00

I'm still worried that there may be much more to come because of all the nukes there. I'm old enough to remember the hazards we had over here in Europe because of Tchernobyl.

11. Groningen18 March 2011, 17:02 GMT +01:00

link at the bottom of this page



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