Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
Just a quick note. I think I'm being admitted to hospital this afternoon (locally) because of this mystery illness. Shouldn't be for long, but hopefully they can name it and cure it. Talk to you later.
Only overnight. It's still a mystery. But now I know I have been having temps of over 104. It got to 40.2C last night. They couldn't get it down, but two hours after the paracetamol, it finally dropped to 38.6. They got to see I wasn't lying about the terrible shaking. They took a lot of blood, then came back for more. Because I haven't eaten at all for three days - basically only ate properly one day since Wednesday, and one day I had a mandarine, and another some toast and some leftovers - my veins had gone into hiding. I was poked and prodded and they had a terrible time getting the blood. I also had a terrible time! LOL
They did blood cultures and ruled out the worst possibilities. They said my blood was in good condition (see what clean living can do?). However, they can only say it's most likely to be a virus. They gave me some intravenous antibiotics just in case, and I have to have another echo-cardiograph done to ensure I have no bacteria in my heart valves. Unfortunately, I can't have it done in this town as they are booked out, and I have to go to the next town on Thursday to do it. There are no radiographers in the public system locally who can do echos, so I had to go back to a private doctor for a referral today. He has whacked me on more antibiotics as well, and wants to see me tomorrow to check up on me. No rest for the bleedin' wicked, I'll tell you. All I want to do is lie down but I have to drag myself all over the place.
I am no better than I was, except I felt like some food today, and I bought mandarines and oranges, which are the only things I can face. Even they made me a bit queasy, but my body has to have some fuel.
Right now I've had thee different drugs to keep the fever down, and they're working, so I'm not too bad (if I don't move around too much).
By the way, that's the ugliest birf stiffikt I ever seen.
Well well well,,what you been doing to yourself Dezzie, at least you have been seen now so they will repair you and have you running like new very soon, the trouble is now that there are thousands, Nay Millions of bacteria about many antibiotics have no effect on, we have to leave it to the human body to fight, I really hope you feel well soon as i am pining for someone to bully,,get well soon :O)
You can bully me. I'll hide the heartache and the tears.s.s..sob!
No ,,no ,,,no Cant do it,,just wont get the same pleasure from it when your poorly,, i,ll try tomorrow :O)
Hey Dezzie,,,Do you know i aint tuck a picture since the last one :(
Well, out you get, then! You're gettin' lazy, you iz. An wheryoobin? No computer?
OH im not happy about my pc, bought it off ebay seller shop they sell ex display items, plugGed it in and it stuck on welcome to HP, Contacted them told them if i press on off it comes on but its not quite right, i said if you can repair it i want it back, i sent it back and they refunded my money and stuck it back on ebay B^%$ards.
I don't know how to use Ebay. A very painful site. I'm sorry that happened, but at leat you got your money back. What will you do now? Was it a good computer (if it had worked)?
It was a very good one Dezzie, if i pressed the button on an off a couple of times it would start up ok, a friend in Sudan told me it was just a boot up problem and easy fixed, it was a quad processor with 8 gig memory great for my CS6 gutted i am as i cant find another at the price i paid ,,,Sniff ,,,,sniff...
Well keep looking. There are always bargains to be had out there. Any Facebook sites that buy and sell in your neck of the woods?
I got another now thank you Dezzie, sounds good, jush have to fit my hard drives into it when it gets here as i have thousands of images stored on them and its easier to just move hard drives than move all the images :O)
That's excellent. So don't the hard drives wear out? Or do you transfer the data once they're in? Forgive my ignorance. I know nothing about computers except for the on switch.
Hard drives do fail, dvd's fail, cd's fail, long term storage is a real problem, if i had enogh money i would store all my images on the new solid state hard drives (No moving parts) they are basically big memory cards, these should last forever :O)
Well, I have all my granddaughters photos stored on an external hard drive and this computer. I keep telling myself I'll print some, but there are thousands to sift through. I'd cry if I ever lost them.
Camera memory cards are reasonably inexpensive now and can store hundreds of images on them, as they have no moving parts they will store your personal images safely and will last basically forever small too so easy to store away and when you want to view them pop it in the card reader and hey presto Bobs ya Aunty :O)
I never thought of that. That's a great idea.
How did you know about my aunty Bob?!
Everyone's got an Aunty Bob now, if you aint your juss not cool,,,
Who told you, Sh'He's very very happy with the graft :O)
Tsk! Graft an' kerrupshun muss run in yor fambly, hey?