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forum > Fun zone > woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

1. happyture18 February 2011, 9:34 GMT +01:00

Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)

1850. happyture3 April 2012, 10:26 GMT +02:00

No,,,,thats the other family trate,, Orang-outang arms!!!

1851. xymonau3 April 2012, 14:48 GMT +02:00

You has photoshopped that avatar, hasn't you? I has no idea wot you looks like, but it's soundin' a bit not good.

1852. happyture3 April 2012, 15:42 GMT +02:00

a BIT good,,its bloody amazing propper manimal like :O)

1853. xymonau3 April 2012, 15:43 GMT +02:00

I worry about you, Mikey. I mean, when yer Ma dies, who's gunna clean yor cage?

1854. happyture3 April 2012, 16:05 GMT +02:00

Ha ha,,I'll have an O'pear one of them Swedish ladies...

1855. xymonau4 April 2012, 10:54 GMT +02:00

"O'pear"?? Sounds more like a Hirishman to me. Well, if you wants a big hairy Hirishman changin' the straw in yor nest, I guess that's hokay. It takes all kinds...

By the by - I was almost startled when I seed yor new havatar. Lyin' on yor side lookin' all enticin' wif yor "come hither" eyes. Or has someone got you inna full Nelson?

1856. happyture4 April 2012, 17:16 GMT +02:00

Na,, Dont like Hirishman of any type or fashion I dont bat that way at all ohh no! Yeah me havatar, Yeah thats me in all my scared beaten handsomenesss its a hup to date himage of me , the mrs puts this himage on the mantelpiece as she says it keeps the kids away from the fire ...huh..

1857. xymonau5 April 2012, 9:42 GMT +02:00

It's a nice photo. Did you take it?

1858. happyture5 April 2012, 10:30 GMT +02:00

I did Dezzie,, I managed to behave for just a few seconds,, surprised me really, i tend to play , fool around with my cameras, i like to get everyone else in a happy mood to while photographing them, had to photograph a women once ooooh my, looked like she was sucking a lemon, her face was all screwed up like a pit bull chewing a toffee she was, so anyway she sat down looked at me over her half moon glasses and said abruptly " WELL HOW DO YOU WANT ME" just like that,, So i said, On a spit over a hot fire, at the time i thought OMG i dont think i should have said that, but thankfully it worked and she cracked sort of a sickly 1/4 smile, She wanted the photograph for a works ID badge...she even paid me :O)

1859. xymonau5 April 2012, 11:15 GMT +02:00

She probably had a hard life.

You're a great photographer, that's for sure. And when that new camera of yours has pups, I want one. I have lost interest in photography right now. I have had too much to think about these last months.

My lecturer was supposed to phone me yesterday to talk me through the subjects i haven't completed in the diploma. She forgot. I called her after an hour, and she was suitably embarrassed. She will call me next week instead. It gives me a few more days to get more assignments done, so I'm happy. I have to concentrate on them tomorrow and not mess about on the computer.

I got a call from the hospital today. They want me to see the anaesthetist on Tuesday. If he thinks he can keep me alive, they'll do the op the following Tuesday at the hospital in the next town. It's day surgery, but the problem is I'm not allowed to drive for 24 hours afterwards. It costs 80 bucks each way in a taxi, so I might have to stay in a motel or something. I really would prefer to go to Brisbane, I think. They might be able to resuscitate me if the anaesthetic is too much. anyway, I'll see what they say on Tuesday.

Then I got a letter from my cardiologist to say he was leaving. Lovely! He was the only one in town, and I had an appointment. My GP shot through some weeks ago, and I'm starting to think no-one likes me!

1860. happyture5 April 2012, 11:39 GMT +02:00

Well Dezzie I like ya so thats ok aint it, I wish you all the best when you go to hospital i know you'll be fine :O)

1861. xymonau5 April 2012, 11:43 GMT +02:00

You'd better get them flowers in the mail now or I won't get 'em. An' fruit. It's tradishonal. Wot do you mean I ain't stayin' there? That's aside the point. I WANT fruit!

1862. happyture5 April 2012, 16:32 GMT +02:00

I wish it was possible to send fruit to you in hospital, if i could i would bless you :O) "What you say Ma,,,,,OK Sorry dezzie Ma said i shouldn't hexcept or send gifts to strange people,,OK Ma you know best...

1863. xymonau5 April 2012, 16:37 GMT +02:00

I'm not very strange. A little odd. Well, a stick collection isn't everybody's cuo of tea, izzit? Yor Ma shoodent throw stones.

1864. happyture7 April 2012, 0:13 GMT +02:00

She said your not too old for a thick ear my gurl,,,an yoo shudnot cheeck your elders..

1865. xymonau7 April 2012, 11:17 GMT +02:00

I may very well be older than yor Ma, so she better pull 'er 'ead in.

1866. happyture7 April 2012, 12:31 GMT +02:00

Ha ha no way, my Ma tells me stories of when the Romans where throwing Christians to the lions,,,what worries me,,is she said she always had a good seat ???

1867. xymonau7 April 2012, 13:26 GMT +02:00

Well, I wozza wun wot made the suggestion to the Romans.

1868. happyture8 April 2012, 0:14 GMT +02:00

Ooop's there goes me other paddle!!!

1869. xymonau8 April 2012, 3:58 GMT +02:00

I hope you can swim.

1870. happyture8 April 2012, 11:01 GMT +02:00

Got a built in water ring so i floats like a cork Mrs,,,thank you very much...

1871. xymonau8 April 2012, 12:37 GMT +02:00

Yers...I'm unsinkable these days, too.

1872. happyture8 April 2012, 13:36 GMT +02:00

Happy though..and you know something Dezzie,,In this life thats all that matters, homer simpson aint got nothing on me i tells ya,, i must be 2 stone over weight but i am happy...so let the world keep on spinning and i.ll keep on smiling :O) see,,see my teefs :O)

1873. xymonau8 April 2012, 14:09 GMT +02:00

Hang on! Yor teefs got destroyeded! Juss 'oo do THOSE teefs belong to?

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