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forum > Fun zone > woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

1. happyture18 February 2011, 9:34 GMT +01:00

Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)

74. Groningen5 March 2011, 18:32 GMT +01:00

yup all in working order

BTW are your batteries green?

75. happyture5 March 2011, 20:24 GMT +01:00

Yeah recyclebubble they are, sez so on the tin...

76. xymonau6 March 2011, 1:26 GMT +01:00

Let's rip em out an' have a look.

77. happyture6 March 2011, 10:31 GMT +01:00

Just cant help yourself can you,,and here's me being super nice....

78. xymonau6 March 2011, 10:40 GMT +01:00

Mikey, you wuz born super nice. Stamped on your belly, that is. But I was born of convict stock (I really have an original deported convict in my family. The rest are just jailbirds.) So I'm bad to the bone. And if you could see the size of me, you'd know that was VERY bad. So only approach me when I am in a good mood. There's no tellin' what I'm capapable of.

79. happyture6 March 2011, 15:22 GMT +01:00

That's not true dezzie,,you dont scare me,,,at all, much,,anyway, if we look back in our heritage we all have some bad un's hiding away, me aunt Mavis use to steal like billy'o until the stopped her picking things up,,they cut her hands off...

80. xymonau7 March 2011, 10:29 GMT +01:00

All sorts of bad jokes come to mind involving "handy" and "'armless", but I will restrain myselluf.

If I don't scare you, then I has failed. It is my raison d'etre.

81. Groningen7 March 2011, 21:17 GMT +01:00

@80: have I got good news for you

your as sweet as a crocodile getting a root canal

82. happyture7 March 2011, 21:40 GMT +01:00

Ha ha ha ha,,, thats a good one, discribes our Dezzie Wezzie to a Tee! bless her cotton socks!!

83. xymonau7 March 2011, 21:45 GMT +01:00

Crocodiles are caring and exemplary mothers.

84. happyture7 March 2011, 21:48 GMT +01:00

Yeah, and they bite your head off,,,just like dear old Ma, here Ma want another wine gum........

85. xymonau8 March 2011, 9:36 GMT +01:00

Do you really have to suck them first?

86. happyture8 March 2011, 9:54 GMT +01:00

Only for a minute or two,, just to soften them, cant be meen all the time can i ,,mmmm.. pancake day,,,ama gonna eata has many'a pancakes as i can eat,,,

87. happyture8 March 2011, 9:55 GMT +01:00

oh i bet you wish you was ere so you could have some pancakes like what we is having..

88. xymonau8 March 2011, 12:40 GMT +01:00

I like pancakes and pikelets. Crepes, too, but I'm too lazy to cook them often. I always stand at the frypan, eating 'em as I go, and it's not good. I want a pile of them, and sit down. But, no - I stand and scoff. Not as in mockery.

89. happyture8 March 2011, 12:52 GMT +01:00

Well,,,,you gotta eat or die you knows,,,

90. xymonau8 March 2011, 13:15 GMT +01:00

Conversely, most of us dig our graves with our spoons.

91. happyture8 March 2011, 16:23 GMT +01:00

Ah well, what i have seen is, you die if you fat,,,you die if your thin, soooooo,,,i choose flumpy and happy,,, growing me chucklebelly as i talk i tell ya :O)

92. xymonau9 March 2011, 12:21 GMT +01:00

I yam sorry Mikey, but chucklebellies are a dime a dozen. You is common, you is, an' it disappoints me. Now, wibblebellies - they is special!

93. happyture9 March 2011, 12:53 GMT +01:00

Wibblebellies iz the same thing as chucklebellies silly, ti'z just the Oztralian version hovit,,,I dunno gurl :O)

94. xymonau9 March 2011, 13:08 GMT +01:00

Don't you go bein' racist, now. I is part Welsh, just like you. I'm sure a wibble is not a chuckle.

95. happyture9 March 2011, 14:18 GMT +01:00

Now look you here Dezzmarellda, i am not racist in the least, I,m just stating a well known fact,,And that iz, a chuckle is the same as a wibble, before you start, i got it written down here, let me read it out to so you can fully hunderstood things KO,,,Right,,,,On the first count, a belly or chuckle zone, may also be known as (1) Love handles?? "never really hunderstandid that one" (2) Chucklebelly :O) (see i told you) or if you iz Oztralian (3) Wibblebellies, SO dezzie we iz both right, but me a little more so than you cuz i,m bossy Right,,,

96. xymonau10 March 2011, 10:18 GMT +01:00

It's a good fing I'm unbossable, then. I bet you fort vat was unpossible.

97. happyture10 March 2011, 14:22 GMT +01:00

Did Dezzie did indeeded i did, but i can saw that you iz indeed unbossabubble, however,,,seems men's have bigger brains the womens do, i might knot be able to boss you,,but i,m cleverer than what you is Yeah,,shall we settle for that Hummm,,shall we,,,,Hummm,,,

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