Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
Well, I'm not very witty, so it was a grand effort for me. XP
NOT VERY WITTY??? who you talking bout Dezzie,,Canna bee yoo for sure cuz yoo iz the most Wittyist Oztralian lady i knows,,
Let me count,,, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,,,, 2 including the prime minister...
that's stiff competition
Dezzie must be proud that she's number 1
Nuffin about you is subtle, izzit, Mikey?
Grunn, I am honoured, and I will add this to my trophy rack alongside the LOTP trophy. Did you know Milkey won the first one? He cheated, naturally.
Now now dezzie, you know i won'd it fair and sort of squarish,,no money passed hands, and i am no relation to the persons who owneded the site, In truth , it must of been a bitter pill to swallow dezzie, but, and you can look on the bright side here Dezzie, you where beat, by a man with a Big brain....,,, And this is just how kind i ham, hiff you have not noticed, i have knot tuck part in LOTP as eye wanted two give yew a chance two whin, small it may be, butt a chance hall the same,, Yes call me BIG hearted if you likes, butt two me its just O, Natural,,that's French ...
Meeeeee,,,Never,, hit the rongist button you could hit thats hall..
ha ha very funny,, jellousey will get you no where.....
That is correct. Because I might have a smaller brain, but I can spell ornithorhynchus with one eye closed.
Yawwwwwwn,,, Yeah i can type wheelbarrow with one hand...
But not with one eye closed. No siree. Not that. You had bofe eyes opened just then.
OK i cant tell a lie, i did,, i did have too eyes open,,i was stood standing on too legs alsow, dont make a cheet thow duz it...
No, but it makes a less agile brain. All that bulk makes it harder for you to think.
Spose so,, anywho, just had a ham samwich with cheesy puffs on it and it was,,,,,,Was,,,,,,,,mighty fine....