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been quiet here...

1. greekgod14 May 2010, 12:57 GMT +02:00


how's everybody?

2. Ayla8714 May 2010, 12:59 GMT +02:00

weekend is nearing, which means I'm fine :)

3. lennie14 May 2010, 14:00 GMT +02:00

It was a cristian national holiday yesterday in the Netherlands, my country, like christmas and many people also have the day off today.

So we have a really long weekend.

I'm working, though, on the site to be precise, I was really busy lately and couldn't work as much on the site. So I'm happy I can do that now.

I wrote about some of the stuff I'm working on here:

4. crisderaud14 May 2010, 17:53 GMT +02:00

It's been quiet in this forum but the site is buzzing with activity. I think we are all doing fine as I haven't heard anything but good news.

5. fishmonk15 May 2010, 0:15 GMT +02:00

Am a little too busy at the moment to do much here but can't resist a quick read through the forums every now & then. Am fine though... Best wishes to you, greekgod, & to you all.

6. xymonau15 May 2010, 9:31 GMT +02:00

I am in the middle of multiple crises. I am definitely moving in the very near future, and I have not had the time to start on the new logo competition. I hope you guys will be patient.

7. greekgod15 May 2010, 21:49 GMT +02:00

Hi, Dez... i hope your crises work themselves out... moving cities or countries?

8. jonfletch16 May 2010, 2:42 GMT +02:00

Dez can't leave the country, the soup won't get through customs!

9. xymonau16 May 2010, 3:06 GMT +02:00

Ah, but the recipe will!

I might as well be moving countries, for all the problems. No, GG, just cities.

10. greekgod16 May 2010, 5:50 GMT +02:00

heh heh... Dez... if you think Oz has problems, check out the Philippines...

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