Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
@1417 I'm fascinated to think that there was poetry about soup at the other site. After due deliberation, might I offer my own humble contribution to this profound topic:
A lady gave my friend some soup
Saying it would cure his croop.
Now he claims he's well enough -
Provided he avoids the stuff.
What a wondrous potent brew!
Can it be too good to be true?
Gesine, we need more good women in this game, so please keep returning. These tragic men are very poor company.
Lord Byron had best not give up his day job, and Mr Spikey is still suffering delusions of grandeur. I managed to ruin Cris's computer, so he can't play any more. I'm dangerous, I tells ya!
Sour grapes will not spoil my dinner
Because, you know, I'm still the winner!
Please keep it up. I have finally found something more poisonous than my soop.
A certain despicable moth, with the name of a man of the cloth, looked a bit like a dog, but smelled like a bog once he had several bowls of my broth.
@1423 What remarkably singular poetry! You're not related to William McGonagall are you? :)
Careful, the monkey is armed and known to be dangerous.
err, isnt the soop the most dangerous thing we know in this thread ?
Hmm... That leads me to wonder what would happen if the monkey should accidentally fall into the soup?
@1420: If I could help you Dez - I'm your woman.
@1429: Have you seen the tin of the soup...!!???!! Be careful monkey...
And ...from now on there is another player in this game.
Dez, when I win I'll share the fabulous prize with you :-)
I'm not sure whether tin is strong enough to hold the soup! (or the monkey)
You needing the help Dez is just a sign of the times.
Won't be much to share as the fabulous prize for second doesn't amount to anything.
Ah, but Gesine and I will be first. And a millyun dollers is nothing to sniff at.
I'm sure i already put that munky in the soup. I know there is wildlife - whole ecologies, in fact - in there.
The Thai make a dish called "Monkey Ball Soup".
This is a splendid opportunity to do the same :)
This reminds me of when I was on holiday in Hainan, China. The hotel restaurant had a menu that can only be described as, erm, exotic. One of the first items I noticed was tortoise soup. Came in its own bowl... Yuk.
Anyone that can eat oysters, octopus legs, sheep's brains or liver should never criticise other diets.
That's me in the clear, then, as I don't touch any of those.
A good diet for a great winner!
As I said, a good diet for a great winner. But I'll share a few crumbs and winnings leftovers with you, my friend.
The New Zealand green lipped mussels is a special treat for us winners.
Oh, why did I mention that? You will never get to try them. :)