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Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins

1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.

1178. crisderaud10 August 2010, 12:52 GMT +02:00

Oh, you mean a flatbed wagon. Now I'm with you!!

And now I have have passed the long distance runner in my two-wheeled dray.

1179. micromoth10 August 2010, 13:09 GMT +02:00

I have a flatbed scanner - much faster!

1180. krayker10 August 2010, 13:49 GMT +02:00

fatbread scammers.

I'm lost - the last few messages.
but at least, I lead.

1181. xymonau10 August 2010, 14:06 GMT +02:00

More like fatHEAD scammers, if you ask me, Kray.

1182. krayker10 August 2010, 14:24 GMT +02:00


but hey, that was a sneaky move.
.. so, back to normalcy now :D

1183. crisderaud10 August 2010, 17:12 GMT +02:00

I find comfort in our abnormalities. A comfortable lead that is.

1184. krayker10 August 2010, 18:24 GMT +02:00

the normalcy that I meant, is in being in lead... like I'm now :)

1185. micromoth10 August 2010, 22:25 GMT +02:00

Ah, here I am again, being very normal! ;D

1186. crisderaud11 August 2010, 0:46 GMT +02:00

That's normally not the case since I am the true winner naturally!

1187. GerbenVanErkelens11 August 2010, 0:59 GMT +02:00

can I win?

1188. krayker11 August 2010, 6:31 GMT +02:00

Nope. :D
not in this thread. it's every man for himself.

1189. micromoth11 August 2010, 6:51 GMT +02:00

Too true!

1190. GerbenVanErkelens11 August 2010, 10:35 GMT +02:00

darn, then I go back undercover again and secretly steel the last post :D

1191. xymonau11 August 2010, 11:59 GMT +02:00

Wrong post. You should have stolen this one.

1192. micromoth11 August 2010, 13:16 GMT +02:00

They don't let you near any public libraries do they? Lol!

1193. crisderaud11 August 2010, 17:38 GMT +02:00

I added the Australian spelling list to my spell cheker an now spellng is okay fer eny werd I rite.

1194. krayker11 August 2010, 17:57 GMT +02:00

...anything goes for me, except, the new fangled sms lingo, call me old school or a geriatric with plain old english, but I'd rather type out a whole sentence or simply call when on a phone!

however, when it comes to winning here, there is little leeway ;)

1195. micromoth11 August 2010, 23:49 GMT +02:00

Well, many Brits learn how to tork 'strine, thanks to that wonderfully cultured Les Patterson (aka Barry Humphries), but frankly old bean I think the traditional language is just top hole, don't you know.

1196. crisderaud12 August 2010, 3:11 GMT +02:00

I think you observation is on the tin!

1197. krayker12 August 2010, 5:09 GMT +02:00

*dons the tin foil hat*

1198. micromoth12 August 2010, 7:24 GMT +02:00

@1197 Is that effective against showers of scalding soup?

1199. xymonau12 August 2010, 13:35 GMT +02:00

Please explain the remark about libraries? I have no idea what you mean.

1200. micromoth12 August 2010, 13:39 GMT +02:00

@1199 You said, "You should have stolen this one." Libraries have a problem with books going missing, so I made a highly tongue-in-cheek reference to it. :)

1201. krayker12 August 2010, 14:25 GMT +02:00

@1198, only time will tell, it survived the microwaves & acid rain, so far so good :P

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