Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Good. A shovel full at least, please. And send it express, will you, Gesine? I need it before Autumn begins.
Wind machine is blowing the cold, wet, white stuff in your direction. Hope it won't melt.
Btw where is the prize?
He left. He decided he wanted to go on a holiday, and the last postcard I received was from South America. He's in Peru. He sends his regards.
Peru - Adventure holidays and without us. That is not nice. I m not sure I will make a big Party for his return.
He should be throwing US a party for keeping his place warm.
Very good idea. I want barbeque and firework, presents and of course champain.
Listen what I heard: He wasn't in Peru he is up for Brasilia, Carnival in Rio, that little rascal.
I'll have a pint of whatever you two have been drinking, some of the chocolate and something off the bar-b-q. Can we skip the dancing men thing, I never could get the grasp of the handkerchief in hand, big pointy sticks and bells around the ankles bit, oh, and being called Morris. I think the German equivalent is leather shorts and hats wiv feathers in them. I dread to think what the great Oz do but it probably involves mankini's :0)
And why would we be wearing the national dress of Khazakstan? Silly man.
There isn't even a pint left, grandfather. I left Gesine alone with it and...well...ahem. So you'll have to scrape the chocolate off the barbequeue. She was out of control. Seriously.
Have you found work yet, Phil? I hope so. I need to borrow some money.
The german equivalent you mentioned is only popular in the south in Bavaria. And the Girl wear dresses called Dirndl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirndl). We also have no carnival here in the north. Only something you can call theme party, and the theme is get disguised and it is celebrated after 'normal' carnival (http://www.lilabe.de/ only german language) .
There is no chocolate left, Dez had even had all the leftovers. You are too late party is over
Prize is still roaming around somewhere and I must go and buy cat food.
No wonder the prize has run away if all you feed him is cat food! Shame!
I was merely cleaning up the plates. It's not as if I am a choco-holic or something. No, really! I wouldn't tell a lie.
The dirndl is a really feminine style of dress. I've always liked them, although they definitely do not suit me! And the costume party looks like fun!
We've always had places that celebrate Oktoberfest here, as we had a lot of German settlers. http://everguide.com.au/adelaide/event/2012-oct-02/the-hahndorf-inn-oktoberfest/ is one example. Hahndorf is in the mountains outside Adelaide in South Australia. I went there for the day once when I was holidaying in Adelaide. It's beautiful, and full of German places as the settlers were all German. But you find a lot of places like this in the southern states.
Ok, Prize is back, suntanned and exhausted.
No gifts, no money left and not in the mood to celebrate a party.
Don't want to know what he did there in Peru all the time.
Does he need to go to rehab? Or perhaps church, to repent?
Oh, I think all the healing he needs is to sleep it off. I want my money back.
The little scoundrel will just run away again. I blame grandfather for teaching him bad behaviour. It's hard for anyone to be a winner if they can't keep the prize.
I think we should ignore him. Than Prize comes back ,meek, and will be happy when we want his presence.
I have several task for him. In Australia it will be autumn soon and we here must start raising plants for the garden...
Hey, wait a minute...you can't have my prize doing your gardening. No wonder he runs away. No, no - I have a lovely pile of compost he can turn over for me.
Too late, I've given him his pocket money and he's pushed of to the South of France for a few days. Can't say I blame him with you two slave drivers around.
Ah, when the pocket money ends what will he do in the South of France... Marseille is very cool but not really cheap. Hope he find his way to St. Tropez. At this time of the year I think it is good. All the celebs are at St. Moritz or Ischgl or Aspen for skiing.
And I need help to decide what I will plant this year.Apart from tomatoes...
If you can grow tomatoes, how about cucumbers, capsicum (bell peppers), spring onions (you can just keep snapping these off as you need them and the plants last a long time), strawberries grow in anything, cherry tomatoes are prolific bearers of fruit. Then invite me to lunch. Please!
How come my prize is able to travel the world and I'm not?