should I change my password on rgbstock?
should I change my passwords everywhere
or is changing passwords the risk (phishing)
what is your opinion/experience/advice?
BBC "heartbleed bug causes confusion"
This was sent to us at work by our IT people.,news-18597.html
My anti-virus provider, McAfee, also commented on it and provided a link to Mashable, where there is more info - see
So is RGB Stock affected?
thanks for the links Dez and micromoth
all three links give different information about where to change your passwords
tomsguide says "don't worry"
mashable sounds panicky
and the bbc is not all too clear
I have different passwords for websites and had already enabled two-step verification on FB
Dutch ATM's are stil running Windows XP and are paying Microsoft now to extend their XP support, for now I don't use any "pinautomaat"