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Site Progress Report

1. crisderaud5 February 2010, 0:20 GMT +01:00

Up to date news on what our developers are working on and where they are at.

194. Ayla875 November 2010, 6:19 GMT +01:00

"Saavem marked his profile checkbox for the newsletter, so should you !" - this sounds a lot like "Facebook-speech" :)

195. saavem5 November 2010, 7:36 GMT +01:00

@191 I did it Cris!. Lennie said the true!

196. jonfletch5 December 2010, 23:21 GMT +01:00

Hey everyone,

Been away from the site for a while as I have been very busy. I typed 'rgb' into google and it came up 5th! Good progress.

197. reznor706 December 2010, 15:36 GMT +01:00

Think they'll ever be a true vector section with downloadable .eps/.ai files?? I would certainly have a lot to contribute!!

198. crisderaud8 December 2010, 4:47 GMT +01:00

@197 Are there other sites which are similar to ours that host images in the Encapsulated PostScript and Illustrator formats that you know of?

All things reasonable will be considered.

199. crisderaud8 December 2010, 4:54 GMT +01:00

@195 How about if we change it a little to say:

"Saavem marked the checkbox in his profile to receive the site newsletter. You can too!"

instead of:
"Saavem marked his profile checkbox for the newsletter, so should you !"

200. reznor708 December 2010, 14:38 GMT +01:00

There's multimedia (MMS), which is cool and all, but I think the owners are lacking in time these days to upkeep things.

Vectors are superb for designers though. They can change the file, tear things out they don't want, use bits they need, etc. I hate having to flatten it and post it as is. I mean... as far as free images go, people shouldn't expect more? But vectors are a lot of work and then I just flatten it. I would rather just throw the editable image out there for people.

They are a lot larger in size though - so I don't know if it would be something ok for storing on a server.

201. crisderaud8 December 2010, 16:56 GMT +01:00

Once you rasterize the vector you lose the smooth, sharp edges and the scalability which really wrecks the whole purpose of having a vector. No going back to vectors once it's flattened either.

We'll find out more about how the format could integrate with the site's gallery programming. I've heard that vectors and jpegs behave differently when loading them onto a site.

We have a 30MB limit which is really generous so size is not the main factor.

More to post on the subject when we have more info.

202. GerbenVanErkelens29 January 2011, 10:21 GMT +01:00

I found a little "bug" in the websites. When watching my comments the longer wants go through the username link :D. Not really annoying, but thought I let you guys know

203. jazza29 January 2011, 23:03 GMT +01:00

Good find Gerben. We looked into this problem and fixed it. Thank you for reporting.

204. GerbenVanErkelens30 January 2011, 12:47 GMT +01:00

Yup I just notice! Pretty quick fix!

205. jazza7 March 2011, 22:05 GMT +01:00

We are working hard on a new design for the front page. A front page that is more appealing and more clear. And we are working on sign up by your Facebook account too. I hope more people will sign in.

I just want to give you a little preview in this forum. Nobody is reading this, so please keep it secret for a while. There is still some work to do.

All the pages like the search page and the forum pages needs to get the new header bar too. And there are some more problems to solve. The new design is not tested in several browsers for instance.

Anyway, I hope you like it, here is the link:


206. crisderaud8 March 2011, 5:27 GMT +01:00

I really like the new design!!

207. Ayla878 March 2011, 9:08 GMT +01:00

A very fresh and appealing new design, great work!


What I'm missing are some elements which change frequently to make it more worthwhile to visit the front page more often, e.g. a random preview of several popular images. Even the big photo on the front page should change more often.

The dark blue box at the bottom of the page looks a bit heavy, maybe it would be nicer to split it up into several areas?

208. xymonau8 March 2011, 12:42 GMT +01:00

I am inclined to agree with Michael. Perhaps it could be made the same colour as the blurb beside the image?

209. micromoth9 March 2011, 21:52 GMT +01:00

Overall - excellent!
I agree with Michael and Dez about the blue colour.
Also the heading "Absolutly free" has a misspelling: the first word should be "Absolutely".

210. StariSob10 March 2011, 11:43 GMT +01:00

Well, here are "my 2 cents". These are based on my personal "likes & don't likes"... :)

There are few points from current design i like:
- big photo on the home page;
- random photo below it;
- search box somewhere at the middle of everything; :)
- smaller radius of 'rounded corners'.
However, new design of that feature(s) does not look bad at all.

It would be nice to be able to click on the big photo which would lead to photographer's gallery (or to that particular photo).

The blue box to the right (with questions and search box) is rather distracting to me; but unfortunately, at the moment I can't tell what is causing that feeling - i just stumble on it every now and then.
On the other side, that can be just what you wanted - as the search box is located there...

Below header - I have feeling that there is too much text. Solution could be shorter texts :), increased leading, narrower columns, lighter text color, headings tweaking... However text is not such important as pictures are here...

Google ads seems too similar to other text. I have no objection if that was intention :)

Footer box is indeed a _little_ too heavy; or maybe it needs just a few more (organized) details and tweaks - especially left side with site statistics and links to perrit, stockfresh etc. (Hm, or it is just too high from bottom of the browser window...)

And, for the end, i like Michael's idea to change more often some popular images as the big photo on the home page.

* * *
As I said, these just my "preferences". Feel free to do with them what you want :)
Overall, nice refreshment to the site. The new design indeed feels more fresh and modern...

211. Ayla8710 March 2011, 12:34 GMT +01:00

Tomislav, I must admit I have been distracted by the blue box to the right, too.

In my case, what distracted me, was, that there are a lot of good questions asked, which make me want to say "yes, tell me more about it". I then instantly want to click on it and must experience that these lines are not clickable.
Currently the only reason for this blue box is to lead you to use the search function in the last row of the box. I would prefer more links in this box.


[camera-Logo+headline]Free stock photos --> Link to random photos
* Need a photo for your website? --> Link to popular photos
* Want a picture for your blog? --> Link to new photos
* Looking for ideas? --> Link to List of all categories
* Find what you are searching for now! --> Link to FAQ, especially Nr. 7 "How can I find the image I want?"

And then, another suggestion: the drop-down-field with the list of Categories should not start directly with the word "Abstract". I would prefer something like "Available Photo-Categories" or "Browse Photo-Categories".

I would also love to see another page named "Categories" where all categories could be seen at one glance. It is quite difficult to get an overview over the long list of categories by scrolling in the drop-down-field. Every category should be clickable in this list of categories, of course, and it would be fine to have the number of photos in this category in brackets behind the name of the category.

This Categories-Page could also be included in the top blue navigation line, probably between "Random" and "Upload photos".

I hope this sounds helpful and wouldn't cause too much work.

212. Abyla10 March 2011, 12:51 GMT +01:00

I'd like more images on the front page too because I think with such amount of text we are distracting people.
The big photo could be the first, a random photo changing with every refresh of the page the second, and I miss the photo or graphic of the month (the image added the last month more downloaded and commented) which could be the third image.

213. crisderaud10 March 2011, 16:23 GMT +01:00

The writing on the front page is necessary for SEO purposes. We will rank higher in Google searches with the new way Jay has the front page set up. The big main photo was taking up too much prime position on the home page. We need the wording there for Google to rank us higher in the search results. Google does not recognize photos and images, only text.

There is a trade-off between page appearance and SEO. I think Jay has found a working balance that will be good for the site.

214. jazza11 March 2011, 9:14 GMT +01:00

Thank you for your input. I really appreciate your opinion. For now I will have to see what I can do on a short term but I will think about your suggestions.

The main goal for this redesign was to make it more easy and clear to register. Registering by using a Facebook account is very, very simple, so we hope more users will sign up.

About the footer: this section needs some adjustments, it is one of my concerns

215. johnnyberg13 March 2011, 12:19 GMT +01:00

Why has the possibility of reading comments without being logged in been removed? If you aren't logged in and you look at a picture with comments, you can't see them and the text write (wrongly): this picture has no comments.

216. Ayla8713 March 2011, 16:12 GMT +01:00

Hi Jay, nice to see that the layout has been switched.
I am pleased to see that there are now more photo thumbnails in a row than before (depending on your chosen resolution of course), so we won't have to scroll down as much as before.
I've just spotted two bugs:
1.) On the Gallery page there is a large gap between the "artistheader" and the "prevnext"-bar. (Found with FF 3.6)
2.) I'm completely missing the "recent"-Link on the Gallery page.
Both bugs may be connected with each other.

217. GerbenVanErkelens13 March 2011, 18:19 GMT +01:00

Great layout. Some minor bugs in Chrome though. The top links (gallery, comments etc.) don't display correctly.

and I also have a large gap in the gallery view :D

For the rest I really like the new look

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